I just wanted to alert people to two forthcoming ethics conferences that feature some excellent topics and speakers.
The first is a conference on Moral Psychology at the University of Texas (details here). Speakers include Michael Stocker, Stephen Darwall, Julia Annas, the Jacobs0n/D'Arms tag team, Philip Ivanhoe, Gary Watson, Marcia Baron, and Walter Sinnott-Armstrong. (Yes yes, I know it begins tomorrow, but really, who's not up for a road trip to Austin?)
The second is a conference at the University of Cincinnati promising a knockdown, dragout 'Virtue Ethics vs. Kantian Ethics' showdown. That one's April 1-3 (details), with presenters including Marcia Baron, Paul Guyer, Tom Hill, Rosalind Hursthouse, Richard Kraut, Anslem Mueller, Nancy Sherman, and Michael Slote.
Happy traveling!
Don't forget: April 22-23 we're having a conference on Practical Rationality at Maryland. Speakers include:
Michael Bratman
John Broome
Karen Jones
Joseph Raz
Michael Smith
Jay Wallace
David Copp, Mark Murphy, Henry Richardson, Kieran Setiya, David Sobel, and Sharon Street will comment on the papers and begin discussion.
Advertisement at http://www.philosophy.umd.edu/Faculty/PGreenspan/Res/p-rat.html
Posted by: Mark Schroeder | February 06, 2005 at 02:52 PM