A quick alert to those who haven't already seen it over at Fake Barn Country (or elsewhere): there's a new ethics journal, the Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy. The first issue contains articles by Joseph Raz, Gideon Jaffe, and John Brunero.
Here's the first paragraph of their editorial policy:
The Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy is a peer-reviewed online journal in moral, political and legal philosophy. The journal welcomes submissions of articles in any of these and related fields of research. Articles submitted to the Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy will be reviewed by the editors and external referees according to the highest academic standards. The journal is committed to speedy and efficient review, normally not exceeding 6 to 8 weeks from submission.
It's nice to see growth in online journals in philosophy. Another noteworthy item about JESP is that they accept simultaneous submissions. (Of course, to take advantage of that, the other journal(s) to which one is submitting must accept simultaneous submissions, too.) It will be interesting to see if this catches on.
Does anyone know of any other journals that accept simultaneous submissions?
Posted by: Doug Portmore | April 15, 2005 at 09:56 AM
I know of some "journals" which accept contributions, however these are not in english but german.
But there's one thing about the JESP which disturbs me greatly. I emailed them about it, but they will not publish new additions to the site in RSS feeds...
Posted by: Mike Schnoor | April 16, 2005 at 03:49 AM
Even more disturbing, I think, is the fact that the journal will accept only submissions in Microsoft Word format. I cannot see any sense in that.
Posted by: Campbell | April 16, 2005 at 08:56 AM
Mike S.: I'll look into that. I can't think of any reason not to RSS feed the Table of Contents.
Campbell: You can submit in rtf. It says so on the page where you actually submit things. I'll see if I can get that fixed on the Editorial Policy page.
Posted by: Jamie | April 16, 2005 at 10:50 AM
But mainly this new online journal, with Jamie--a good friend to Pea-Soup--as an editor, is to be wildly celebrated. Dancing in the streets is warranted! Hurray for free online journals that are edited by very strong philosophers. Such journals hasten the day when we can expect to spend much less of our department resources on journals, have deans accept online publications as perfectly legit, and have our papers appear much quicker, speeding the pace of intellectual exchange much closer to the high standard set here at Pea Soup.
Posted by: David Sobel | April 16, 2005 at 11:47 AM
I second Dave's enthusiastic sentiments. The new journal is indeed an exciting development. I hope my previous comments didn't seem too negative. The whole Word monopoly is pet peeve of mine. (Myself, I'm a LaTeX nerd.)
While I'm on the subject, though, I would urge Jamie and the other editors to consider accepting PDF files also -- at least for the initial submission.
Posted by: Campbell | April 16, 2005 at 06:42 PM
Campbell's not kidding. He really does second my enthusiastic sentiments. I saw him out doing the Rumba out on the quad just a few mins ago. That man can dance!
Posted by: David Sobel | April 16, 2005 at 08:24 PM