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May 14, 2005


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I'm not so sure about condition #2 (C is only owes A if it was in C's power to choose not to be benefited by the harm to A). If I inherit an extremely valuable painting at the age of two that was original stolen from an out-of-favor family in 1930's Germany, then it seems to me that I really owe that painting to them, whether I was in a position to choose to be benefited or not. Surely some sort of right of private property or just dessert more generally should be allowed to trump the issue of whether or I was in a position to choose. Perhaps I shouldn't be *punished* for inheriting the painting, since (being unable to choose) I am not responsible for accepting the unjust benefits, but I nevertheless *owe* it to the family anyway.

This distinction between being punished for and owing for a harm that I did not commit is important, perhaps, for more reasons that just moral esteem. If I merely owe for a harm, then I would be within my rights to demand that the reimbursement respect a certain threshold level of well-being on my part. You could not ask that I bankrupt myself in order to reimburse, or that I commit myself to years of unpaid labor. If I am rightly punished for it, however, then it seems like you really could go beyond the threshold. I might really owe it to the victims to do whatever is in my power to compensate them.

This distinction might, in turn, explain why it seems wrong to punish your son in the "neighbor's miracle brain drug" case. It seems patently unfair to ask your son to somehow reimburse your neighbor's son for all of the latter's opportunity costs. After all, the neighbor's son has lost a great deal, and your son could well spend the rest of his life making it up to him. But surely to go so far would qualify as a punishment, and not just a legitimate debt.

This sort of issue comes up in affirmative action debates with Fullinwider arguing that one does not owe compensation if one benefits from a harm one does not oneself commit. He has a driveway example he uses to argue for this, but I think it does not show what he intends it to show. (I think that one can come up with variations of his example to argue for something like the approach I suggest below. I think I once argued about this in print, though it may just be in my class lectures on his paper.)

Myself I think the right way to think of the issue is this. If one benefits from a harm done by another one owes compensation to the extent that it makes one no worse off than if the harm had not benefitted oneself. Since this is compensation and not punishment (as Justin rightly notes), one is not required to give up benefits if doing so does not compensate the person harmed. And one is also not required to make oneself worse off than one would have been without the harm or without one's benefit from the harm, because that would be to punish one for something that was no fault of one's own.

Where goods are easily transferable, such as stolen paintings, returning the painting to its owners is an example that fits the suggestion I favor. If I give back something that was stolen and given to me I'm no worse off than if I'd never gotten it, and the person who gets it is fully compensated for their loss of that painting.

The war example also brings in questions of group agency, which complicates matters siginficantly. It seems intuitively that a group such as a country can owe compensation. But at the same time I can be a member of that group while having opposed the bad things the group did. This is where my thinking gets muddled. On the one hand I'm drawn to the idea that one does not owe compensation (other than that suggested by the above approach) if I have not done wrong. But if my country (say) does a harm and it needs my taxes to compensate those harmed, doesn't this give me some reason to do what is needed so that my country can meet its obligations. (As a gratuitous aside, I think that the war in Iraq is a very good puzzle case as I think I am worse off for our having started it, and lots of Iraqis have a good claim to be harmed (and unjustly harmed) by our actions. But that is not really central to the issue.)

"If A wrongfully harms B, and C benefits from A's wrongly harming B, then C owes a debt to B, only if: (1) C has reason to believe that C was benefitted by A's wrongly harming B (or C could come to believe this with modest investigation)

This issue of course also comes up in discussions of restorative justice, particularly in regards to indigeneous rights.

I want to make two quick points.
1. It is unclear to me why C has to benefit from B's wronging.
Take this example
Timmy steals a packet of milk biscuits from Tommy. He gives one to Toby, who as it turns out is lactose intolerant and becomes rather ill.
I still think in this case it would be true to say Toby owes Timmy a biscuit, despite the fact that he doesn't benefit from getting it.

2. Waldron in a paper on this subject called I think historic injustice and its supercession makes a point about the contaigion of justice.
He argues that in part one injust act can infect all other actions making them likewise injust.
Take for example car stereos
It seems a fair claim that we ought to pay whatever the price is derived from a market in these goods between consumers and producers.
But of course we actually pay less than this because people steal and resell car stereos lowering the market price.
Thus I am advantaged by car thieves stealing car stereos (as long as it isn't mine!)

What do you think?

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