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June 27, 2005


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Hi Ben,
In arguing against ALSC you describe a case where you could do nothing (and bring about consequences with intrinisic value of +100) or act (and bring about consequences with intrinsic value of just +20). ALSC would treat both options as morally permissible, and you take this to be a counterexample to the position.

What do you think of the following (fairly standard lines, I think): Perhaps both options are permissible, but we might judge you to be a worse person if you choose to prevent the better outcome. That is, we could have a negative aretaic assessment of you, even if your action is permissible. For example, if you prevent the better outcome out of cruelty, selfishness, or jealousy, etc., we can have negative appraisals of your motives or character, even if the action itself is permissible.

And a defender of ALSC can (of course) also hold that not acting is better than acting in this case (after all, not acting produces better consequences) - again, even if both options are morally permissible. So there is recognition of the fact that acting is not as good as allowing the better outcome to occur.

You write: "Steering the world away from a better result towards a less good result should be unacceptable to a consequentialist". I suppose that defenders of ALSC would hold that such steering only becomes impermissible when if fails to produce the minimum required absolute level of utility (they are still consequentialists). And in other cases, they can still appeal to negative evaluations of character or motive - even if the action is permissible.

Hey Jason,

Good point, maybe that's what the satisficer should say. When I think about the case, trying to be sure that it's the *act itself* rather than the character of the agent that I'm evaluating, I still think preventing the greater good is wrong.

Suppose the goodness-preventing act were done not out of some bad motive like jealousy, but out of a good motive. Then what would be left to evaluate negatively here, if not the act? In that case, I'd want to say that the act was wrong, but the agent was good.

If the satisficer says that the goodness-preventing act is permissible in this case, I think he is the one who is making the mistake about what he is evaluating. He's taking a feature of the *consequence* of the act that merits a pro-attitude (its intrinsic goodness) and transferring that pro-attitude to the act producing it. But the *act* doesn't deserve any pro-attitude. It's the worst thing he could have done.

Hi Ben,
Hmm. If the agent were to act out of good (or even neutral) motives, and the act were to produce the minimum required amount of utility, then I'm not sure that any strong negative evaluation would be warranted. After all, the motive would be acceptable, and the consequences would be acceptable (even if not the best available).

You write (concerning such a case) that "the *act* doesn't deserve any pro-attitude. It's the worst thing he could have done". I'm not sure what to say about this. What if there were other actions that wouldn't even have produced the minimum required amount of utility? The agent's act wouldn't be the best, but it wouldn't be the worst. And even if it were the worst (suppose no other actions were possible), as long as it produces at least the required amount of utility, it's not clear that we should deem it to be wrong. The *act* is still one which produces acceptable levels of utility. Put otherwise: it would be a permissible act, even if it were the worst available permissible act. So, the act itself could deserve a pro-attitude for the kind of act it is (one that produces satisfactory amounts of utility), and not through a problematic 'transfer' of a pro-attitude concerning the act's consequences.

Quick question - could you say a bit more about how are you distinguishing between acts that deserve a pro-attitude, and acts where we improperly 'transfer' a pro-attitude towards consequences to an act? I worry that what I say the previous paragraphs doesn't quite address your point...

Here is what I was thinking. Acts merit pro-attitudes in virtue of the difference they make to the value of the world. In the sort of case I'm thinking of here, there's an act that has intrinsically good consequences, but it makes the world worse than it would have been if the agent had just butted out. So my hypothesis is that satisficers have an appropriate pro-attitude towards the consequences (considered by themselves), and wrongly transfer that attitude to its cause.

Of course, this way of evaluating acts is incompatible with ALSC, because ALSCers determine the rightness of an act just by looking at what it causes, not at any alternatives (except in cases where the threshold can't be reached). I think that's a problem for ALSC. Suppose I can eliminate world hunger or have a sandwich. I choose the sandwich. Surely you won't say "good decision!" Not even if I enjoy the sandwich. Whether a decision merits a pro-attitude depends on what the options were. (This point doesn't apply to every sort of satisficing, just absolute level versions.)

I don't know if that is helpful. I have another argument against absolute level satisficing that I might try out when I am less tired.


I think your case against satisficing versions of C has much initial intuitive appeal. Indeed, I am tempted to say it is another example of what I was trying to claim in my post on Pea Soup just before yours--namely that attempts to lessen the demandingness of C without a causing/allowing distinction (or some such) are not very plausible. I concluded that therefore the demandingness objection cannot stand alone and only looks plausible when supplemented with independently motivated deviations from C.

Thanks David. You might be right about that. In any case, it looks like we'll be saying pretty similar things at our Dartmouth session, which should be fun.

Rats, we are at the same time at the Utilapaluza at Dartmouth.

If I understand the schedule correctly, we are in the same session.

Perhaps you aren't still checking the comments to this post, but I just became aware of this site. I agree with your criticisms of those versions of SC, but the version I like is the one you mention briefly, and then only to say that you won't discuss it because it isn't really worked out. That version holds that the satificing threshold is contextually specified (Earl Conee mentions this as a plausible view in, I think, a paper against moral perfectionism, but he does not develop it). No one has really worked out generally how to determine the morally relevant contextual factors or particularly what they are (I need to look at the epistemology/ language literature for some ideas), and you worry that the view may collapse into a kind of particularism. I think it need not. Perhaps some contexual factors can be identified without a full theory of how to determine what they are. (Obviously, the contextual features will need to be such as to meet objections from you and Mulgan without being ad hoc...)I don't know how much you want to pursue this topic, but I have more to add if you are curious.

Hey Rob,
Yes, I am definitely curious. Tell me more!

Right you are Ben! Cool.

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