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January 19, 2007


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Just a small point that may matter, but I don't have time right now to make my comment longer.

You say:

3*. 3. A commitment either to have plans where I commit adultery or to believe that God will punish Clinton.

But if I recall correctly 'Adultry is not wrong' does not express a plan to commit adultry on Gibbard's view. I think it is supposed to express a plan which rules out ruling out adultry.


Thanks. I had troubles of formulating just that part. I had in mind that if you don't rule out ruling out adultery, you would endorse plans that would include adultery. Of course, the things to do in the plans are not all that *I* would do in my own life but also what I would do if I was Ceasar or Bill Clinton. So, in one of the plans I probably accept that Bill Clinton's thing to do is adultery if I think he didn't act wrongly.

Anyway, if we make that change, we get:

3***. A commitment either to have plans that rule out ruling out laugh or plans where I have plans that rule out laughing.

This seems just as troublesome for me - that I would be committed to planned worlds where the thing to do is to have further plans that rule out things. This sounds an odd thing to do in *planned* worlds where I'm supposed be in the hyper-decided state were I already have thing to do in each situation. I'm supposed to have The Plan.

Also we get the two commitments 4a** and 4b** like this:

4a**. If my plans rule out laughing, then I am committed to plans where I plan to rule out ruling out laughing.

4b*. If my plans include having plans to rule out ruling out laughing, then I am committed to plans that rule out ruling out laughing.

phew! I hope I got those at least close to the right (had to edit them few times). The point still being, these too seem hard to motivate or rationalise as attitudes we would express. These plans are too cunning for me.

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