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June 26, 2007


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Thanks for the mention Dan. It is amazing to watch the number of visitors climb!

In regards to the Motherlode, I've just done some much needed cleaning up and alphabetized the entries which should make it more useful. I've also added links to the home pages of all the ethics, bioethics, political philosophy and general philosophy journals I could find.

I would really appreciate it if people would send me links to any journals they think should be included which are left out. (Or list them here, I will check back)

For their table of contents to be listed in the Motherlode I need an RSS feed, but even if they do not have this I would still like to put a link on the Philosophy and Bioethics webpage to these journals home pages, this would also allow me to list them in the Motherlode as well.

David Hunter

Thank you, David. That's a great service you're providing for us.

Hi everyone! I just recently found this blog; very interesting posts and comments!!

I hope you don't mind that I take up the invitation.

I have some stuff on expressivism and realism up over at my blog that some may find interesting...I would be very interested to hear what some of the people around here think! Philosophy Sucks!

Thanks. Richard

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