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June 30, 2008


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Hi Ben,

I'm doing a similar course in the spring too and never done one either. I'll be using Matthew Kieran's Media Ethics - A Philosophical Approach as a textbook which I've heard is very good. He also has a great edited collection of papers (also called confusingly Media Ethics) on Routledge. We can email about the syllabuses and so on later hopefully.

Great, thanks Jussi!

I remembered this post from a while back that might be helpful:

Thanks Nathan. Is there any question that is not answered somewhere in the PEA Soup Archives? I don't think so.

Ben, I also just found this possible lead for relevant resources; maybe this group has a page or the person mentioned in the CFP knows of good stuff:

Media Ethics Division to Meet at the Annual Meeting of the APPE (Assoc. Practical and Professional Ethics)

The Media Ethics Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication will hold its mid-year meeting in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics in Cincinnati, Friday, March 6-Sunday, March 8, 2009.

The Division invites papers and panel proposals on all topics related to ethics in the media (journalism, public relations, advertising, entertainment media and the Internet.) Interdisciplinary submissions are encouraged. Collaborations involving scholars from other fields are especially welcome. Possible topics for collaboration across disciplinary and professional lines include ethics codes across the professions, teaching across the curriculum, media coverage of ethical issues in medicine and other fields, the business organization culture and its impact on corporate media, ethical issues in public information campaigns, and adequacy of coverage of political elections . For information about interdisciplinary submissions, including possible collaborators, please contact Wendy Wyatt at: University of St. Thomas Wendy Wyatt

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