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April 27, 2010


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Wow, Shafer-Landau spawn. Workshop proliferation.
You'd think N.O. W.A.R. would be worried about non-proliferation.
Oh, and if they worked on non-proliferation, the prolifers would protest, which would make good sense because obviously the workshop will be pro-choice.

Tremendous potential here. I feel I've only scratched the surface.

W.A.R, it ain't nothing
But a heartbreaker
W.A.R, friend only to the undertaker
Ooooh, W.A.R
It's an enemy to all mankind
The point of war blows my mind
W.A.R has caused unrest
Within the younger generation
Induction then destruction
Who wants to die
Aaaaah, war-huh
Good God y'all
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Say it, say it, say it
W.A.R., huh
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me

Anyway, hope this will be as great of a workshop as the other two. Maybe even slightly different crowd too.

I like people letting their goofy flag fly here at Pea Soup. Fly high, goofy flag, fly high!

I love all these annual conferences popping up!

This is the best idea anyone has ever had.

I take it that that includes ideas outside of philosophy, like the combustion engine or the internet. I humbly accept the accolade.

I can hear Jussi's insistent warble from here.

Keep scratching, Jamie. Here were some of the losing titles and acronyms: "New Orleans Responsibility and Agency Workshop" (N.O. R.A.W.--perhaps a protest against certain San Francisco-ish food trends); "New Orleans: Responsibility, Agency, and Determinism" (N.O.R.A.D.--an homage to the aerospace defense industry?); Philosophy In Agency: New Orleans (P.I.A.N.O); and "Ontological Hermeneutics: New Orleans" (O.H. N.O.: would've required a change in topics, but perhaps the acronymic value would've been worth it).

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