HERE IS A LINK to a video dialogue between two PEA Soupers, Jamie Dreier and Mark Schroeder. This is on the recently launched online 'Philosophy TV ' channel. The topic of the discussion is metaethical contextualism, expressivism, and relativism. It's all very helpful, clear, and interesting. Actually, they did incredibly well given that this is one over hour long discussion with no cuts or anything. Thanks to Sven Nyholm for sharing this link.
Thanks Jussi,
Been looking forward to viewing this when it came out. Hopefully I'll be able to watch it in one sitting some time in the next couple of days.
Posted by: Mark van Roojen | September 09, 2010 at 12:16 AM
That was a terrific job, guys. And what stars!
Posted by: Dan Boisvert | September 09, 2010 at 08:41 AM
It starts getting pretty interesting for even people who know the issues at around 40 minutes in, but the whole thing is worth watching.
Posted by: Mark van Roojen | September 15, 2010 at 04:42 PM