This conference will be in Los Angeles on May 20-22, 2013. Note that the deadline for submitting an abstract is extended by one week to Jan 8th.
Keynote Speaker:
Angelika Kratzer (UMass-Amherst)
Invited Speakers:
John Broome (Oxford)
Jeff Horty (Maryland)
Frank Jackson (ANU/Princeton)
Paul Portner (Georgetown)
Seven additional speakers will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts. All three-page abstracts submitted to [email protected] or [email protected] by January 8th , 2013 will receive full consideration.
USC and the Los Angeles area contain many academics with interest in this subject; conference discussants are expected to include at least the organizers (Mark Schroeder and Stephen Finlay), Matthew Chrisman, Guy Fletcher, Jim Higginbotham, Robin Jeshion, Michael Ridge, Jacob Ross, Barry Schein, and Ralph Wedgwood.
Suggested topics (not intended to be exhaustive):
·Is it helpful to think of deontic concepts as a kind of modality at all?
·The relationship between deontic and other types of modality
·The relationship between deontic expressions and modal logic
·The nature or analyzability of moral or deontic modality
·Pragmatics of deontic modal language
·Deontic modality and information-relativity
·Anankastic conditionals/hypothetical imperatives
·Differences in modal strength between terms (e.g. ‘ought’ vs. ‘must’)
·Ordering sources and graded modality
·Deontic Paradoxes
·The relationship between deontic modals and other normative terms or
·Deontic modals and imperatives
·Acquisition of deontic words/concepts
·Truth-evaluations and attitude ascriptions involving deontic modals
·Cross-linguistic differences in the language of deontic modality
·Expressivist vs. descriptivist treatments
·The syntax of deontic modality (e.g. raising vs. control syntax)
·Important distinctions among deontic categories
·Etymology of deontic words
I wish I were attending! (Wishing implies neither possibility nor impossibility, but only counterfactuality, right?)
Posted by: Eric Wiland | December 29, 2012 at 12:42 PM