Thanks to a major grant ($600,000) awarded to the APA by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute (PIKSI) program is expanding to Boston -- among other undergraduate diversity initiatives that this grant will make possible over a three year period.
PIKSI-Boston will take place August 2-8 2015 at MIT, Cambridge, MA; PIKSI-Rock will be held June 13-22 2015 at Penn State University, State College, PA. Applicants may apply to either program, or both. The deadline for applications is this Friday March 13, so please encourage undergraduates/recent graduates who might benefit from these terrific programs to apply (more details are below the fold).
From the PIKSI Boston website:
"Undergraduates and recent graduates from underrepresented groups such as women, African Americans, Chicano/as and Latino/as, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, LGBTs, economically disadvantaged communities, and people with disabilities are urged to apply. Transportation and lodging are provided; stipends are awarded to all."
Amy Ferrer, Executive Director of the APA, writes:
"PIKSI was founded to encourage students from groups currently underrepresented in philosophy—people of color, LGBT people, women, people with disabilities, and people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds—to pursue advanced studies in philosophy and continue on to the professoriate. Through this grant, the APA will provide funding to increase the length and number of participants in the PIKSI program at Pennsylvania State University’s Rock Ethics Institute, now in its tenth year, and to found a second PIKSI program based in Boston, which will also be supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Massachusetts Boston."
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