There’s a story that I heard from my father many years ago, which I’m tempted to share with PEA Soupers. G. E. Moore was a Cambridge friend and contemporary of my great-grandfather Ralph L. Wedgwood (1874-1956), and so when my grandfather John H. Wedgwood (1907-1989) was born, Moore agreed to be his godfather.
According to the story, my grandfather, then a small boy, had the following conversation with Moore, while Moore was visiting my great-grandparents’ house for a couple of days.
Small boy: What are you doing, Mr Moore?
Moore (earnestly): I’m writing a book, about the meaning of the word ‘good’.
Small boy: You mean, like when we say that something’s “gone for good”?
Moore (taken aback): Oh! I hadn’t thought of that!
The trouble with this story is that I really
doubt that it’s true.
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